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Water Quality Monitoring

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Protecting Park County Water Resources

E. coli Monitoring

In 2013, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved the document E. coli Total Maximum Daily Loads for the Shoshone River Watershed  for area waters that had been identified as being impaired for E. coli bacteria. The CCD currently monitors for E. coli. on Dry Gulch and Homesteader/Dry Creek to determine whether they continue to pose a human health risk. Dry Gulch had been listed in the document as being impaired. Homesteader/Dry Creek is not currently listed but is of interest to the WDEQ.

Shoshone River E. coli TMDL Final.pdf

As additional funds are secured, the CCD will expand our monitoring efforts to evaluate bacteria loading in other parts of the watershed to protect human health and other designated water uses.

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